Tuesday, February 16, 2016

It's Birthday time!

The first ultrasound picture was what made being a mom possibly the most exciting time in my life! Something I waited to become for as long as I can remember. He gave me the best pregnancy anyone could ask for besides weight gain, I never threw up or had any issues. It even got better with labor and delivery!
I remember it like it was yesterday, at 11:00 on a Saturday morning my contractions started and by 12:30 we headed to the hospital. A few pushes and he came out, peeing, at 2:54pm. The process was smooth and easy, as labor could go. He had red hair which was a surprise but he was ours! Our family had begun and we couldn't have been happier. It was just the three of us for the next four years.
He was a good baby, calm most of the time, and a goofball as he got older.
He loved people, no matter what you looked like or how old you were, he was kind to everyone and said hi.
He was not an ordinary little boy though, he could spell his name at 2 and could draw surprisingly well at 3 with such detail.
Everything had to be in order and he was particular about most things which made every day interesting!
 He always has a blast with daddy and would follow him and do what he did most of the time. Mark liked a little mini me.
He is good at everything. Could beat me in Wii bowling,
 got four goldfish at the carnival, won 500 tickets on an arcade game
and got a hole in one at mini golf when he was two and a half!

Of course he has a competitive nature built up in him which isn't always a good thing. He loves sports anything that has to do with a ball.
He's been very active his whole life and I'm assuming will continue to be so. He became such a good helper and a great big brother which he enjoys most days.

He's not afraid of something new, a challenge or an adventure. He's up for anything.  
 And now that it has been EIGHT years, he has grown into such a nice young man. I'm proud to have such a smart kid that shows others kindness and love.
I like to be able to see how he handles situations and figures things out on his own. He's learning so much each year, it doesn't feel like eight years already.
Here's to our first born and the road of parenthood he has helped us on. Happy birthday Kyron! We love you!!