Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Unpacking and packing

In just over four weeks will be moving into our new home! It such a good feeling knowing we'll be home owners again.
We've dreamed of this moment and when I mean dream I'm not kidding, after seeing this house I had layouts of each room, where I was going to put things, how I was going to decorate, even before we had put an offer in! We are beyond excited to get our of an apartment, especially for the kids to have a yard. A garage, basement, another room and extra living space doesn't hurt either ;-) While purging things in boxes from our last move I found the tub of stuffed animals, which was not a good thing! LOL. ALL of my kids are obsessed with stuffed animals, but I think Darien is the worst. He's so cute though. I mean who doesn't like stuffed animals?!? They're so cute and cuddly, like your own little pet. It's been eight moths since they've seen any of them, and they kinda forgot about some of them. I know we'll go through them again in the next six months but it was fun to see them react to these long lost toys. It was like Christmas all over again.