Tuesday, February 9, 2016


My favorite word this month is purge! Since moving from our first house, a small two bedroom 1 bath house with no garage, to our second house, a three bedroom 2 bath house with two stall garage, out of state to a 2 bed 2 bath apartment, all in two years, I'd say I have purged a few things!
We are in the process of becoming homeowners once again and we couldn't be happier about it!! It will be the biggest house we've owned and I'm determined to move into it with the least amount of stuff.
Being married almost 10 years!! (Yeah I know, it was just yesterday) and having three kids, we have accumulated a LOT of stuff. I have always hated clutter but have never gotten away from it. Unfortunately kids don't help that situation, but I'm learning to let some stuff go. I have also always wanted a routine cleaning schedule and let's face it, that's harder some days than others. So let's get real. Will it ever happen?! I sure hope so.
For some reason thinking about moving into the biggest house we've owner scares me a little. I mean, we've always dreamed of a big house, but I can't think that it's going to get easier to control the clutter in a bigger environment! But I have tons of pins that I have gone through and deleted and forgot I had when I organized my Pinterest boards. So once I get into our new house I am going to start by applying some of the things I've learned and see where it gets me.
My project now is going through everything, even the boxes I haven't looked in since moving out of our first apartment over eight years ago! Seriously!! It's also been a lot easier to let things go since moving here which I think has helped the process, knowing I'm making room for things that matter or that we actually use.
I have already started packing boxes of stuff that we don't use all the time and really... Could do without, so if I have the time and effort we may have a garage sale the first week we move in, LOL. Otherwise I'll need to look into donating stuff somewhere. I hope this post finds you well and encourages you to go through one area of your house to clear out what you don't use and make it manageable for you!