Thursday, December 5, 2013

We're IN!!

Well it's officially been two months since our big move, and it's been a process, with lots of decisions and finalizing, but we made it! WE MOVED!!! Yay, we are so happy here, it's like a kid on Christmas, new things, and new experiences. Whenever I am gone all day, I just want to go back home to my "new" house! I love it. The decorating and planning for each room is going slowly, but the wheels are turning and I am ever excited to have years to get it all done. I am so caught up in this new house that I haven't had much time for anything else. Thanksgiving flew by, and our first Christmas in this house is right around the corner! I'll be writing our Christmas letter on here again this year for anyone who won't get one mailed to them. So since the move, not too much has changed, Kyron is in school and loves it. We found out that one of his friends from school lives kiddy corner from our backyard so they play together a lot. We've gone over and had a fire and it's just been great getting to know some of the neighbors. We feel this whole process has been so amazing and it just keeps getting better. I am so disorganized in everything with the holidays I feel I will never get everything done. I am always saying I need to get on here more and share, but I feel like I don't have time. I don't take pictures like I used to either, they are mostly all on my phone and posted to facebook, but I want to be better at that too. So hopefully come the new year I'll have more everyday posts with pictures of the kids and what we've been up to. With being Sarin's first year walking and being about to play in the snow we'll have lots of fun with that! It's getting to be quite cold out and this is definitely not my favorite season, but I am thankful for my coffee bar and Keurig I got last year for Christmas:) Here are some pictures of our new house!