Tuesday, August 27, 2013

God's Blessings

So, along with the house we are trying to buy and the selling of our house, there is another blessing from God that I want to share a little bit about.

From childhood, we dream of being mothers to our children and staying at home to be with them, help them grow, protect them, and set an example so they will learn positive things. I've always loved the baby stage, and toddlers are fun, but never really thought too much into when my kids got older, sending them to school, learning how to drive, dating, college, marriage, grandkids, Ahhh! Sorry, got a little carried away. Like I said, I never really thought about it. As the time came nearer to sending my first born to school, we opted to try homeschooling for the first year of 4K. There are so many people out there that have chosen this option for their family, for whatever reason, and I believe it is a great decision if you can make it work for you. Whatever that reason may be that they have decided to keep their children home from school is up to them. I tried it for the year, and as soon as Christmas hit, life got busy, we didn't do our regular scheduled schooling, everything just changed. Sarin was 6 months old when we started, she got bigger, and Kyron just was so energetic. I am not a school teacher, and I'm not saying you have to be, but to me, I think having a little bit of that background helps, at least for me. I did teach 4 year old Rainbows for 3 years, but it's completely different when it's your own child. I just didn't have the patience to deal with him and didn't know any other way to go about it. He got bored very easily because he learned everything when we was 2 1/2 and 3, he's a smart kid!! So we found other ways of allowing him to still grow and learn new things, but never had a set curriculum.

As the year went on we decided we would start thinking about sending him to school for Kindergarten, and knew that public school was not what we wanted. It isn't a bad thing to put your kid in public school, I am not judging anyone that has, or is, I mean I went to public school. So we looked at our options and found that we liked Immanuel Lutheran School. We had meetings with the principle, toured the school, went to an open house, and asked about all the options to sending Kyron there. We also loved that we were close enough so he wouldn't have to ride the bus, again not an option for us. I am very protective of my kids, and having one of the only influences in their lives for the first few years is a big deal. So sending my children to school is a huge step, when there is so much out there in the world that they can bring home from school. Which is the main reason we choose private school. The school bus thing, just scares me.

God has had a plan in motion since before Kyron was born, and the blessing of having a child is amazing, but making the choices that best fit them, can be scary. I'm taking it one step at a time, but this is a huge step for us. If it wasn't for God's blessing in allowing us to put Kyron in private school, I'm not sure what I would have done. Knowing that the LORD takes care of His children, is a great gift, but it's my responsibility to take care of my children as God takes care of us, and I have a huge role to fill.

Last Monday we met Kyron's teacher, she will be new to the school, and teaching, so I think it will be good. We have orientation Thursday, and then he starts at Immanuel next Tuesday!!

I am excited to start this journey of having at least one child in school for now, and know that it will be good for everyone involved, except maybe Sarin who will get lonely without her playmate around. Which brings me to the last thing I want to put out there. I found out that Immanuel holds it's own MOPS meetings and being that we are so close and having that opportunity to meet with moms of children that also attend Immanuel will be a big step, but I think it will be a great thing for me, as they are going through the same stage of life as me. If anyone from CLF MOPS is reading this, I hope you don't take any offense to this, but I just need a change.

I can't wait to see all God has in store for us in this next step of life. I pray His blessings on you also, thanks for reading.