Sunday, August 18, 2013

"This" was it!!

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow!"

So here it is, the blog about the mysterious Facebook post last week. We have been on a journey of finding ourselves a bigger house. In this journey we have seen God work his magic throughout every experience. Every house, every offer, every opportunity, and even the disappointments leading to miracles which we never saw coming. I will not bore you with all the details, so, long story short, we have found ourselves a house, this last week and have an accepted offer to purchase on it. So we are moving!!! We are so over excited about all that God has blessed us with and just each little thing that we see being a work of God, it's amazing! We have it planned out to close the same day as our house, October 4th. Thank you if you were praying for us, it was greatly appreciated and needed very much in this process, and God has answered our every prayer, which we are even more thankful for. With the most ever PERFECT timing in everything, we look to Him for all our decisions and process going forward. If anyone wants to know the boring details, let me know, it's an amazing story to tell, and maybe come November during our "thankful" season, I'll write a whole post about the entire journey! Have a great week, and if you have any tips on moving or whatever, let me know :-)