Friday, February 18, 2011

True Love

I really didn't want to flaunt what we did for Valentine's day but I love my husband more than the world and I am very proud to call him "MINE!" We don't go all out for anything, even though we are coming up on five years of marriage. This was one of the more special Valentine's day, along with the first one. We woke up like any morning, fed Kyron and got ready for the day. I had my card and gifts ready to hand him and thought I would do something a little different. I found our wedding song online and played it as he came downstairs. As I handed him his card I started to cry and while the song played we stood in each others arms. I really don't know what came over me, I am just so blessed with my husband and what he does for me, how he treats me and loves me. I gave him his gift after he opened his card, and right before he left for work he asked Kyron to bring me a CD. Something you don't know about Mark is that he is very romantic and has that soft side to old romantic music. He had a CD made up of some old love songs, and it made me laugh, and some made me cry. I love the thought that went into it, gearing each song to our personalities and a special meaning. Mark got home late around 7:25 and I had just gotten back from getting my hair cut as a little surprise. He had gotten me flowers even though he knows that I kill them. I got a plant from him for our anniversary last year and it has been "dead" for a LONG time....I love him but I can't keep anything alive for more than a week. So I was very surprised. They smelled beautiful and looked so cute. I never need anything big, and I would have felt so bad killing a dozen roses. We had reservations at the Mulino because we got a gift certificate and couldn't have spent that much on our own, so we invited my cousin Kayla and her boyfriend Jon. It was a good night, food was alright, and of course we got pictures. All in all it was a great day, better than most. We ended on a high note and I am so excited to plan our fifth anniversary get away this year. We haven't really done anything by ourselves for more than a day since Kyron has been born, so you can see why I am so excited. Besides the fact that I love to plan vacations, trips, and what not. On another note Kyron turned THREE on the 16th and his party is tomorrow. He is so excited about having cake. It's so halarious to see him growing up to be such a big boy. I love that he can be himself and know that we love him as his parents. Happy Valentine's Day