Friday, March 4, 2011

Three weeks

Well, now is as good a time as any to update. I was going to write Monday but as you can tell in this post, this week has been a little busy, and I was going to wait, but why put off what I love doing! First of all in my last post I mentioned Kyron's birthday. He turned THREE this month and we had a party the 19th. That had to be one of my busier weeks, I hardly had time to think and yes, I did forget a few things. The morning of Kyron's party I got a running nose and kinda like a head cold. I also spent too much time in the bathroom. Of all the days and all the things I had to do....I left the party up to Mark and I felt a little relieved that I didn't really have to do much. I was feeling a lot better once the party came, but still didn't want to be too close to anyone even though I did help with the cake. The next day I still wasn't feeling up to par, so we didn't attend church. We had our own little church at home, and the next day I felt good. I made it to Bible study on Wednesday and rest of the week was getting ready for our volleyball tournament. We left Friday afternoon to stay the night in Madison. We hung out at the hotel and it was just a great time to chill and unwind. We got up early the next day to help set up and played throughout the day. We started off ok, we definitely had potential to do better, but after lunch we hit our groove and started winning. We made it to the playoffs but lost twice and were out. It was a good day, a lot of volleyball, which made for a few sore bodies at the end of the day. We stayed one more night in the hotel and the headed home early the next morning to be in the nursery at our church. That day had to be one of the most exhausting days I've ever had. I was so sore and it only got worse. The good nights sleep in my own bed helped that night! Monday morning came and Mark had off, which was nice. We didn't have to clean the house because I made sure I did that before we left for the weekend. We ran a few things to do and then my brother Ryan stayed with us the rest of the night till Kyle got home. We play games and had some fun. Tuesday morning came and my body felt better, but I could feel there was something else going on within. Early in the afternoon I started to get chills and a little cough. I laid on the couch with three blankets over me and tried to take a nap. Mark got home later that night and I had not moved from the couch. As morning came I wasn't feeling up to going to Bible study and from what I found out that night I'm glad I didn't. Wednesday went by as normal, my chills had left but my cough got a little worse. By the time Mark got home this night I could barely talk and continued to cough with nothing coming up. Kyron developed a cough as well and as we tried to get some sleep that night all Mark could hear was the both of us coughing. A few hours into the night I woke up and felt as if my whole throat was swollen shut, I could barely breath and now, talking didn't come so easy. I mentioned going in to the ER to Mark and he wasn't the first to jump out of our nice warm bed to take us, but after a few minutes he suggested if anyone of us were going to get some sleep that night we better go in and check it out. so 2:00 rolls around and we head to the hospital. It's about a mile down the road, with a street light and two stop signs. Between that mile we just so happened to get pulled over by I swear the only police officer on the road that night. As Kyron was very crabby in the back seat, I could not even talk loud enough to the officer to asked for my name. When he asked us where we were going, we were like, the hospital. Hello, where else would we be taking a road trip to in the middle of the night. It just so happens our one of our brake lights was out, and he decided that was a good time to tell us. We made it to the hospital, my first ER visit in the middle of the night. I didn't really know what to expect. The last time I had even been in the ER was when I stepped on a fish hook in 6th grade. We went in and she checked us in and said, it was "busy" that night, so it might take a while. Well two hours later with everything we had to do, we found out Kyron was fine, and I had strep throat. They sent us over to Walgreen's to pick up a prescription, which they obviously hadn't called in about yet, because when we got there, they didn't have a record of it, and we didn't have a slip to give them, so 20minutes later, he gave me what I needed and we made one more stop at Wal-mart, for a new toothbrush and some throat spray. By this time Kyron finally fell back asleep from being wide awake at the hospital at 3:00, so it was an easy transition back home to sleep the rest of the night after taking my first dose of meds. Since then I haven't gotten better or worse. I continue to cough up nothing, even though there is clearly something in there, and my nose is running like crazy to get away from the coughing. That doesn't help me at bedtime, when I have to breath out of my mouth and make my throat more dry. But at least I can get up and move around. I hopefully plan to do some laundry and cleaning that has needed it since Monday. Hope your week was more exciting then mine! Stay healthy, and if you are sick, STAY HOME!