Thursday, February 10, 2011

Seriously Facebook?

I have finally gotten so tired of Facebook to the point where it isn't even fun to go on anymore. I use to play games and such, and that took up most of my time, which I hated, because I felt like I never got anything done around the house, and I was always on the computer. I liked how it helped with chatting with people, because it's cheaper now to talk on the computer, because it might cost you on the phone. It's a lot harder to actually have a conversation with people, because half the time they don't understand where you are coming from when they can't hear the emotion in your voice. Things are taken the wrong way and lately you can even get the messages sent from chat, because it hardly ever works, so again...pointless. I upload pictures to keep people updated on our facial features, for the ones who don't see us everyday or weekend. They are also great memories and times to share with others. I have really been slacking on this though, I never put up any for Christmas and frankly that's ok with me. It's been such a hassle to download all the pictures I do take, then tag them, and write the caption for them. So I have given up on them as well. I like to update my profile picture, because even I don't like staring at the same picture everyday. The only other reason I would go on facebook was to get insight into people's lives, people that I don't see, that don't live here or that I don't even hardly talk to. It's basically like a newspaper about people that I know, everything they want you to know and maybe more. I almost feel like I'm stalking people in a way, but I guess they are free to post anything for anyone to see. I hate seeing something on facebook and then not knowing about it, or knowing about it and wondering more. It gives me much more reason to gossip about the people that I care about, and I never feel right about that. It's a window to destruction and I am not a fan of it anymore. I have so many people that I don't even really talk to, but "know" and need to find out what else is going on in their lives because mine is so boring. It's a waste of time, and I am not doing it anymore. I understand the need to connect with people out of state, far away family and what not, so don't get me wrong. But Facebook isn't for everyone. I have realized it just gives me an excuse for so many things, and I don't want to make excuses anymore. I am in charge of heading up a facebook page for MOPS, and Common Ground and for the past few months I haven't even really kept that up. I haven't made an event for either organization and I feel bad, knowing that is my job on Facebook but I hardly do it. So this is my announcement to the world! I love to write, and that's why I blog. I find myself wanting to get out my feelings and frustrations somewhere, and this is the place I have found that I love. So I will continue to blog, but as for facebook. I will continue to have an account, but I will not be on it as much as in the past. I plan to check my notifications and messages in the morning, in the afternoon and at night. If I need to do an event for MOPS or Common Ground then I will do them during that time. I will still continue to post about my blog because otherwise, some people just won't get it and read it. So I hope this doesn't affect many of my friendships, I know I have friends that I see, and if you want a friendship with me not on facebook, that can be arranged! I would love to hear your thoughts, as always on things, so leave a comment and I hope to hear from you.