Friday, June 11, 2010

New baby!

Ha, you thought I was talking about an actual baby! Nope, sorry to disappoint. We got a free hot tub this last weekend, YES I said FREE!! Can't get much better than that. We have been wanting one, but Mark was never set on spending a lot of money one, so I contiuned to look on craigslist, and there were a few that were further away for a pretty reasonable amount, but we went to Necedah to get the free one. It took us a few days to get it in place. The day we got it, it rained the rest of the day, so we left it on the trailer and didn't move it till the next day, and while moving it, kinda smashed it up. So we left it in the yard upsidedown, so Mark could build a whole new base for it. He did, and loved it, because he loves working with wood. Now it's got a solid foundation. Then we asked more people over to help flip it back over and put it on the patio. Finally the next day I got it cleaned, as much as I could without running it. Now we have to get an outlet for outside, a new cover, and a heating element. Not too bad for being free, but what did you expect right! The cover is on and a tarp, and it's been raining so much, we might not get it up and running for a few weeks. It depends, but we are excited, and we'll let you know when the first party is! It's the prefect addition to our backyard oasis. We think it reminds us of that commerical where the parents are out on their patio, and the kids come out and tell them it's time to come in, and they say, two more minutes, and the kids are like TWO more minutes. They just didn't want to come inside because they loved being in their backyard. We'll see if it rains as much as last summer, but so far it's been pretty good weather, Kyron has had his share of days he's played outside, and he LOVES it! Now that we have twice the yard a pool, and a swingset, it's all he wants to do, so we'll se spending a lot of time out back! Hope everyone is having a great week. Till next time... P.S. A BIG thanks to everyone who helped: Gil,Kayla,Eric,Josh,Jon,Jake,DJ,Jen,Chris,Mat,Dad,Mark's Dad, and Mark!