Sunday, July 1, 2018

Being called Home

To say we survived our second year of homeschool is an understatement, considering we aren't officially "done" yet. With our big move at the beginning of the this last school year we just set ourselves back from the start and could never get back on track.  I was extremely distracted with house projects and getting things situated and the kids had zero motivation to sit and do school at all in their new surroundings.  Regardless of what life brought us though we seemed to do what we could and Sarin learned to read this year! She is always excited to spell out words and read whenever she can.  She's loves to write and make notes using what she has learned.  Kyron, well he's learned some things and a lot of what Alexa has to offer.  Currently he's made over $7,000 on his virtual lemonade stand!  He has started mowing the lawn for some extra money and we are excited to begin working with the two older kids this coming year about budgeting. 
When we thought about homeshcooling our kids two years ago there were a lot of factors that went into the decision.  Just because God calls you to homeschool doesn't mean that it's going to be easy as anything in life.  We learned that quick with our first year.  With limited resources and a low to no budget for "fun stuff" I have a hard time with doing my own thing and like to stick to the books.  This year has been challenging in more ways than one but we have learned that the curriculum we have used these past two years just isn't doing it for us.  We always buy used because it is cheaper for us and we have a used curriculum store here in town which has been great.  After praying about it we got an unexpected pamphlet in the mail about a faith based curriculum and I was really excited just looking at all they had to offer.  I took the leap and joined the Facebook page for it along with the mom's page that went with it.  That's when I found many of the reviews were about people using the same curriculum we had been using with the same issues and how they changed to the new curriculum and they have seen such a difference.  So we bought all three kids' books in May and have been planning and preparing to start the beginning of August. We will see!
Along with a new curriculum I had gotten the book Called Home which opened my eyes to a new perspective and reasoning why I was called to homeschool my kids.  I'm feeling like the weight of expectations has been lifted and I can rely more on God to be my strength during those days things don't go "as planned" which is hard because I'm a planner and a perfectionist.  I struggle with a lot of things when it comes to homeschool and it's been eye opening to just let go and let God.  He has really carried us through these past two years and I'm so excited to see where He takes us this coming year with this new curriculum and how it will change our family living and how we run our home.  God has been that strong hold that has given me hope when I've wanted to give up and just be done.  I'm exhausted all the time and have a lot on my plate with home duties, a part time job and homeschooling. It has taken a toll on me this past year, but God is faithful and He sees us through.  I can't wait to begin a new thing.  Each day is a new day for learning and beginning again when we fail at life one day.  Taking each day like a new slate is encouraging. Here's to new beginnings.