Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Living on less and being Content with what you have

I figured this topic would be good since we're going through our toughest time of the year financially.
I feel like we have struggled financially for 95% of our 10.5 years of marriage. (Exception of getting taxes back) I told the story of when we were at rock bottom and at one point having $0 in our bank account. That was a turning point in our marriage, and not just financially. I had been in charge of our money for those first six years and me being the spendy one and not being good with money that obviously wasn't the best choice!
Mark stepped in and we began our journey of turning our finances around by starting a budget and learning where all our money was going. It did help and we slowly got the hang of it. We even followed the cash system for a while which also seemed to help.
We have had emergency funds but they don't last very long and we don't replenish them like we should. We used cash but when it ran out we'd take it from somewhere else like we shouldn't. We've had to skip bills and pay twice the next month. It wasn't until this past summer that we got our first credit card only to put the major expense of Mark's truck's transmission on it. After having multiple vehicle repairs, dental, contacts and glasses along with the truck payment we have racked up more debt in the last year than in our 10 years combined!
So deperate times call for desperate measures. But what do we do now when we are still struggling? Come up with a different plan!
Just this week we had no money left in the budget, with a date night, Valentine's and Kyron's birthday what were we going to do?!
We used the resources that we had. First we cashed in our change jar. We ate supper before our date, then went thrift shopping and I got a pair of nice dress pants and a couple shirts for under $8. (None of my clothes fit!) Then we were able to get the kids some balloons and chocolate for Valentine's at the dollar store. We were able to check out Discovery center passes (a science museum) at the library to take the kids for Kyron's birthday. Lastly, I went through my cupboards and posted some stuff for sale on Facebook to make a little extra money for extra groceries which we will need before we get paid again. I even made some cupcakes for a friend's son's birthday to make a few bucks.
Every effort counts. Even after taking to a friend she suggested I apply for food stamps. After the 40 minute interview and felling like this was the answer to a problem we've had for a while she told us that our gross income was just over the limit! Seriously?! I was angry at first, not only because we don't live off the gross but that I thought this was the answer, the plan, the way that would help us finally pay our bills on time especially in the worst month for us financially.
I came to the realization, we were going to be ok! If we've never been on food stamps before, why would we need them now? Yes, it would have made us a little more comfortable, but God doesn't call us to live comfortably, He calls us to trust Him. He asks us to be good stewards with our money, not waste what He's given us on worthless possessions. "Where your treasures is there will your heart be also." Matt. 6:21 Our goal is to give our money to God and those in need. God also wants us to test Him! He wants to use that money for more than you could ever imagine, so let Him show you that and He will overflow you with blessings.
We have paid tithe throughout our entire marriage, and God has always provided for our needs. We believe that God has given us the ability to work and make money, and therefore He deserves for us to let Him use the money for His good.
Living on less requires sacrifice. Some of which we don't miss, others are a convenience and some a "keeping up with the Jones" status.
What are some things we sacrifice? Well these are just a few but we have found ways to cut back on spending by:
Having No cable
We don't eat out (except on dates 1 time a month)
I don't get my hair/nails/massage professionally done (unless it's a gift)
We don't go to the movies (unless it's a date)
I shop at Aldi
We don't buy new cars (only have had two car payments in 10 years with having 10 vehicles)
I don't jump on the newest direct sales kick (It's all about what you really need and can get by without)
I thrift shop for clothes (and other household items)
My husband makes a lot of things from wood for me around the house
I re-use and repurpose things (use what you have)
We use the food pantry at church
We buy things cheap/used or discounted
We hardly do subscriptions (got rid of netflix, honest company) I do have a clothing one but only bought one thing and haven't used it again because we haven't had the money
We don't use store cards (unless we can pay for it then and there's a sale) haven't used them in a year
Don't have credit cards (just the one with the transmission on it)
Declutter and get rid of things you don't use (sell to make a little cash)
Mark does our oil changes and is able to replace a few parts on our vehicles
I cut everyone's hair except my own(only had to do Sarin once, had a friend do mine last summer)
Find ways to make a little extra and put it towards your debt or cut back on expenses and put that money aside. Think about all the money you could save!!!
I'm sure I'll think of more when I post this but you get the idea. We find ways to make it work, if we don't have the money we don't buy something. All our extra money needs to go to debt right now and in the next couple months we have a great plan in place to help us achieve goals for ourselves financially. While saving up to do things we want. I'd love to hear anything you do to save a little money!! It's always cool to see other creative ideas that people come up with!