Thursday, July 28, 2016

Two years already?!

How can my baby be two years old already?! The journey with three kids and being out numbered began a little quicker than expected with this one!
Mark and I wanted another baby, we would love four coming from four in both our families, and Sarin was almost 3. We actually were preventing till she was potty trained but one night decided oh why not ;-) Maybe a little TMI but that's how the story goes. It took us a long time to get pregnant with the other two so we assumed nothing would come of it.
Well I was five days late the next month and knew it had to be. However when I took a test it was NEGATIVE! What?! I was for sure. I mean I felt like it! There's no other feeling in the world. A few days later on December 19th, 2013 I checked again. It was confirmed. I was in shock really. Was I ready for this, now?
My sister in law was pregnant and we found out just a few weeks before that my sister was pregnant too so I was feeling a little left out, lol.  Now to find another creative way to spread the news! Seriously that's my favorite part of finding out, is sharing it! Since it was so close to Christmas there was a theme to go off of. So this is what we came up with.

This pregancy was even better than with Sarin. I craved the same things, fruit all the time and I only gained 20lbs with him. I felt great the entire time. I really love being pregnant.
Having one of each gender we thought it would be fun to do a gender reveal party! I can tell you that it was extremely difficult to not know and I was so nervous to find out.
After having Sarin I don't think I was ready to have another girl right away. So my hope was for another boy, even though I thought it was a girl with the cravings I had. It had been six years since I had a baby boy!
Well God must have thought I couldn't handle another girl then either ;-) It was a good time and fun to see what people guessed. 
We even had name suggestions! We almost picked "Chris helmsworth Doerrler" lol. That night we actually took to the baby book because we couldn't agree on a name. We had plenty of girl names!
When we named our first two kids we didn't intend on them sounding the same. We thought about how it would be if the third one wasn't the same but I just couldn't do it. So we looked for names ending in "N" and got the R in there too. His name means gift, which is why we picked it because we thought he really was a gift given to us and not really planned ;-) The only middle name we could agree on was Mark, and it sounded good.
I won't go into full detail about his birth because I already wrote a blog on that. Which you can check out HERE. Or just look back on the blog for A baby story.
So, my baby was three weeks and the tinniest of babies. If you haven't read his birth story, you should. It's quite exciting! 

We have just been so blessed to add Darien to our family. He is the perfect fit. He makes us laugh every day, he's definitely the goofiest of the three, the sweetest and the cutest. But that could just be baby of the family bias.
It's been a joy to have him in our family. He's just so full of life and keeps us going. He's a daddy's boy for sure until he goes to work then he'll snuggle up to momma. He knows some words and is still learning to share. He has been interested in the potty but just to play in it ;-) He's also a good little helper and will do whatever you do and follow wherever you go. He has the most bumps and bruises than the kids and I'm sure there are plenty more in our future! I'll add some pictures here but be sure to check out my instagram for all of our family life pictures! Happy Birthday Baby Boy!