Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I have a Dream AKA "Our exciting news"

Remember our "other exciting news" I talked about a few weeks ago? I think I'm ready to share it with you. I've kinda been growing more excited about it in the last week or so! 
I've always known I wanted to be a mother, and something I found interest in later on was becoming a teacher. Four years of teaching four year olds at my home church was enough to change my perspective entirely. Maybe this was the wrong age, a different type of teaching?
I am realizing now that maybe God had planted that dream in me but the timing and perspective was a little off. 
Since moving to Missouri and finding a GREAT church, feeling HIS presence, I have drawn closer to God which has set an exciting adventure in motion!
We are counting down the days till school is out and it's four weeks from today. Kyron has loved his new school and his teacher this 2nd grade year. Which has been great with the transition in moving and being away from friends and family. But that kid can seriously make friends anywhere. If you know him at all he's very outgoing, the pure definition! One of the things I love about him and his willingness to try new things.
As you may know he's only ever been in a private school, so only being in a learning atmosphere that also teaches about Jesus. Which was a huge decision we thought was right for our kids. When we started out this year we didn't know how we'd pay for tuition and even contemplated public school. I asked Kyron if he wanted to go to a different school where they didn't teach about Jesus, he replied "No." So I knew that was something I didn't want to sacrifice. Only God knows how we've made it through the year financially!
With Sarin turning four and technically old enough for a 4K this next fall there's no way we will be able to afford both kids in school. Now that's not saying we wouldn't believe God could provide because we know He would, but we know He has a much bigger plan! 
*Insert exciting news*
Haha, I'm sure some have guessed, but let me keep talking about it, LOL. So earlier this year sometime in January I just thought about the idea of (spoiler alert) homeschooling. I don't remember why or how it came about but it crossed my mind. Now, being a "public school graduate" I get a lot of flak (which I had to google to make sure I was spelling the right word, ya see what I mean?) I don't spell or read as well as maybe others, so there's an immediate "disqualification" that's runs through my mind. Followed by questions like: Am I good enough to teach them? Will I give the right answers? What if I don't know the answer? (Thank you google) What if I miss something? Can I really handle having ALL three kids home ALL day ALL the time? I like the break when Kyron goes to school. Math is not my strong suit, or reading...or spelling...really I don't remember much of school. I obviously didn't retain information very well as a kid. I mean we all learn differently. 
As you know the devil puts thoughts in our minds of what we can't do. But I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! (Phillipians 4:13) It's not about what I can't do it's about what He wants me to do with HIS help. Which I'm desperately going to need if I'm going to pull this off ;-) Which is why I bought this!!
After a Skype call from my mom sometime in February she mentioned homeschooling the kids which I hadn't mentioned at all. That's when I started researching it more and seeing what I could find. Then I called my sister who has four kids three of which are school aged. (Just one of the things that inspires me about her! She's seriously an awesome sister :-) and role model.) So we talked on a few different occasions and she gave me advice on what she does and things I could do and I felt more confident about my decision. 
Two devotions came to mind to seal the deal for me, both from Joyce Meyer-Promises for your everyday life (http://bible.com/r/3D)

"Grace, God's Power Freely Given 
If you've been in the world very long, you've learned that there are very few days that go exactly the way we'd like them to go. Thankfully, God is never going to put us in a situation without giving us the ability to be in it with joy. 
I believe God gives us His special grace for every situation. Here's how I like to define grace: God's power to help us do whatever it is we need to do. You can have that power today, but you have to receive it, and the only way to receive it is by faith. 
Romans 12:3 says that "God has allotted to each a measure of faith." 
Ask yourself today, "What am I doing with my faith?" Are you putting your faith in yourself, or in others, or in your circumstances? That's not living in grace, that's just living by your own strength and works. And it won't get the job done! 
But when you release your faith and trust God to do what you can't do, you're putting your faith in Him. Then grace, God's power, will come through the channel of faith and will enable you to do things that will amaze you and others. 
Here's my longer definition of grace: It's God's power coming to us freely, meaning it doesn't cost us anything other than just putting our faith in God, enabling us to do with ease what we could never do on our own with any amount of struggle or effort. 
Put your faith in God. He wants to give you His grace today. 
Prayer Starter: God, I know that life won't always go the way I want it to, but I trust in You. By faith, I receive Your grace, the power You have freely given to help me walk through any situation I face today."


"Truth Will Set You Free 
Many people today don't even bother to think rationally about what they believe and end up building their entire lives on beliefs that are simply not true. Whatever the news media, a celebrity or a group of friends say suddenly becomes 'truth' to them. 
Believing what others say rather than exploring God's Word for yourself will actually limit you and even keep you from doing what God created you to do. But, if you will contend for the truth, embrace it and build your life upon it, you will succeed in every endeavor. 
If you want to stay on track with God's Truth, you have to make communication with Him a priority in your daily schedule. I can't urge you strongly enough to communicate with Him frequently through prayer, reading His Word, worship, and simply acknowledging His presence and guidance throughout the day. 
When you know God, you know Truth. Living in His Truth will bring peace, freedom, and joy to your life. 
Prayer Starter: God, I don't want to be limited by my thoughts and beliefs about what is true. You are the only source of Truth. As I spend time communicating with You, show me and guide me into Your Truth."

I know this is like the longest blog ever written but I had a lot to say to build up to our exciting news. The choice to homeschool was not an easy one but it's the right one for us! This decision has opened up a whole new world of opportunities that I can't wait to explore with my kids. To see how our home life will change and how it will affect and grow my relationship with them and God. I have so many ideas (Thank you Pinterest) I made a board for school if you are leaning towards this adventure too and don't know where to start! Check it out here. Keep an eye out for the things to come. Thanks for sticking with me on this post :-)