Thursday, March 3, 2016

Four years Old!!

Every mother wants a girl, until they have one, JUST.LIKE.THEM!! Lol, or for the sheer fact that 2/3 of everything baby clothing section is adorable pink, frilly, tutu, bows, ruffles and shoes for GIRLS :-) Well, I was no different. After finding out Kyron was a boy, I seriously wanted to buy him a skirt just because. So when it took over a year to get pregnant again, I just prayed it was a girl! I remember each time I found out I was pregnant, down to the exact day.
This time it was July 4th, 2011. I was cleaning a house and I felt sick, and a little dizzy. Went home, took a test, hopped in the shower and prayed. I was anxious and scared, and excited. I had taken so many other tests before in the past year, but alas, I got out and checked the test and instant tears! Balling rather, a joyful cry. A "finally" and thank you Jesus!
Since there really wasn't an "announcement" with Kyron, I wanted to do something cute and fun.  I bought a shirt for Kyron and at my Brother's going away party my mom held I had him wear it and see if anyone would notice. It didn't take too long.
My pregnancy was good, I didn't gain as much weight which was a plus. But I had high blood pressure for a little bit. Other than that it was great.
 I craved fruit ALL the time, I didn't care for anything else really. When we finally were able to find out the gender I did shed a tear when she said girl! It was the moment I had prayed and waited for for such a long time.
At my last doctor's appointment I had her strip my membranes for the second time, and she told me to go home, have supper, pack bags and come back. So later that night around 7pm we arrived to see if things were progressing. I was contracting, so I knew it wouldn't be long. I was 7cm and filing out the necessary paperwork to pass the time while my mom dad and husband played cards. Around 9pm they started pitocin and she came out just before 1am. It went quick, but definitely didn't expect the fierce amount of pain with the pitocin.
She was a chubby bundle of joy with dark hair.
 Almost the polar opposite of her older brother! She did lose weight right away with trouble breastfeeding, but wasn't a concern.
 We had named her after I saw the name on a show and loved the uniqueness of it. Then found out later it's actually a chemical weapon used in mass destruction. Which makes her more unique ;-)
 Her middle name came from my cousin Justin who was KIA a couple months before I found out I was pregnant and I wanted to honor him for his sacrifice.
She was also a good baby, nothing too difficult,  
she loved her brother and still follows him around and wants to do everything he does. He was such a good helper too it was a nice age gap.

She grew to be such a cute little lady. Typical girl, loves babies and shoes. She could put her own shoes on at 18 months. They might not have always been on the right feet, but she wanted to put them on herself. She sings and dances, loves to dress up and loves any type of crafting.
She has a creative side to her reminding me of myself, along with other characteristics I'd rather not see from her, lol. I love her longing to want to be like me,
it helps keep me in check. Especially when she is playing with dolls and says stuff that I say ;-) She's my little princess,

and it's fun to see her laugh and play. We do clash on several occasions, but when it's just me and her we get along like best friends. I look forward to growing that friendship and hope one day she will look back and appreciate it! Happy Birthday Sarin! Can't believe it's been four years already!!