Thursday, March 17, 2016


First off we are officially homeowners again!!! We closed this morning and I'm working on cleaning before our moving party on Sunday! We are so excited to start this new chapter of our lives. I know that this will be the beginning of a whole new life for us! We even had our first visitor while we were doing the final walk unwanted guest at that! I found a foot and a half long garter snake in the basement that must have gotten in through a crawl space opening that was left open. Luckily our realtor's husband killed and disposed of it! So that was exciting....
We have almost everything packed and ready. Just a few things yet to do. We took a small load over and will do a few more before the big move. The kids are definitely excited for the change also. If you would like your name on the list of address cards we will be sending out, send me a text or message with your address and I'll be sure to mail you one!
In other news, today is not only St. Patrick's day, but a very special two year old's BIRTHDAY!! My Alaskan nephew turns two already and will becoming a big brother very soon!! Possibly on my birthday ;-) Happy Birthday McCoy, we love you!!! 
Clearly I'm his favorite Auntie ;-)
Lastly, tonight we celebrated with Kyron as they handed out awards for the JBQ season. He did so great throughout the year, and got better as he went on. He didn't make top ten quizzers because we missed the first meet. I know he would have made it though! He did however earn his discovery seal. He enjoyed this year and we are so proud of him!