Friday, January 7, 2011

Are we willing?

"Columbine student Cassie Bernall said "Yes" when asked by one of the shooters if she believed in God." Like Cassie, many others throughout history willingly sacrificed their lives because of the love of Christ. It's so easy to say that we believe in Christ and are indeed a Christian, but how many of us are willing to sacrifice our lives for His name sake? I think about the #1 hit song on the secular charts "Grenade" by Bruno Mars and it reminds of the life of Jesus, knowingly giving His life for us, but continually being rejected by the people of this world today. Listen to the lyrics and just picture Christ standing in front of you saying these words. Then ask yourself if you are willing.(I have revised it a little, but the meaning is the same) "Easy come, easy go That's just how you live, Take, take, take it all, But you never give... Gave you all I had And you tossed it in the trash You tossed it in the trash, you did To give me all your love is all I ever asked, Cause what you don't understand is I’d catch a grenade for ya Throw my hand on a blade for ya I’d jump in front of a train for ya You know I'd do anything for ya I would go through all this pain, Take a bullet straight through my brain, Yes, I would die for ya; But you won't do the same... If my body was on fire, You’d watch me burn down in flames You said you loved me you're a liar Cause you never, ever, ever did... But I’ll still catch a grenade for ya Throw my hand on a blade for ya I’d jump in front of a train for ya You know I'd do anything for ya I would go through all this pain, Take a bullet straight through my brain, Yes, I would die for ya; But you won't do the same. No, you won’t do the same, You wouldn’t do the same, You’ll never do the same, No, no, no, no" This will be something I myself will be working hard to achieve this next year and the years to come!