Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's a money savin' party!

So Mark and I have discovered that we are not good at budgeting. So we have FINALLY after four years of marriage decided that we need to get this thing down PAT. For our sanity, worry freeness, and well, Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, food, gas, a wedding, and everything else that we need to pay for that we frankly have not budgeted for. I am hoping this is going to be a great adventure for us. We have a few other things that we would love to put in place starting the New Year, but our budget is number ONE! I am loving that fact that we can do it together and know that we are spending our money wisely and for what God intended it to go for. Because if we don't have money for something, then we can't do it, go to it, be a part of it, or enjoy whatever it is we think we NEED. We have learned and trusted that God has provided for our every NEED, and that has been the hardest part. Just discovering what we need to live and things that we can live without. We have come a long way this year, but I know that some things haven't happened the way we wanted, because God had a bigger and better plan, and I love seeing that plan unfold to show us His love. It's amazing to me how God works and all I can say is that I never would have thought we the money we have would last us, but we are going to make it work. We spent $100 and got all the rest of our food for the month. I love Aldi, and I know you can't get everything there but the few things you can't make up for the fact that I would rather go to two different stores to save that money I could have gone by only going to one. If you have seen that ad on TV where Walmart meets every low price, guaranteed, and how if you shop walmart you'll save up to $50.00 from going from any other grocery store. Well they stole that from Aldi, because if you shop there you'll save twice as much as going to Walmart. Just something we have discovered. If you like saving money there are so many other options out there, besides coupons, if you think about it, sometimes you really aren't getting as great of a deal as you think, and most of the time you don't even need what it is that you have a coupon for, you just think you do because you have a coupon. So I hope everyone is having a fantastic Christmas shopping experience, I know I'll be home the rest of the month, with all I NEED to live, and with Mark being home on vacation for most of it, I couldn't have asked for anything better!