Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's begining to look a lot like Christmas

As the snow falls, and the cold gets colder, I look at all that God has blessed us with, and all the NEEDS He has provided for us. It reminds me of a song by Phillips Craig and Dean, called "Your Grace Still Amazes Me." Here's the chorus: "Your grace still amazes me, Your love is still a mystery. Each day, I fall on my knees, cause your grace still amazes me." The verses are just as powerful, and as I sing it, I think of everything the Lord has done. Sending His son down to die for our sins, to give us the gift of ETERNAL life, even though we are not deserving. There are so many people who think they deserve certain things in life, maybe because they worked for it, or paid for it, but just think of everything that you don't deserve in life, and that God still provides for our NEEDS. It's so easy to complain about what we don't have or the things we do, but think of how many other people have it worst off then us? I mean even though we think we have it all, or need it all to be happy, start looking at those less fortunate then you and look at their happiness. So as you give this season, think of everything that you or the person you are giving to already has, and think of things that they might NEED. Instead of wasting your money on things that will never make us happy and will be lfet behind in the end, maybe give a little extra time, or use your talent for something that you wouldn't normally. The next time you find yourself complaing about your life, think of the life of Jesus and fall on your knees before the one that gave you that life, and can take it away in a second.