Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's a GOD thing! the back of my mind I have always been a worrier, and it's always got the best of me. I have recently had a situation where I knew God was testing me. Mark was late getting home from work, and usually there is always an excuse for it, I never have to call and be like where are you, but this particular night it was getting later and later, and as I pondered every possible thing he could be doing, he still should not be taking this long to get home. Out of all days, this was the day him left his phone at home, it was so late, by the time I actually called his work they were closed, and I had no other option. My thoughts immediately went to the worst and I tried not to think about it, but I couldn't just sit around and wait, Kyron had fallen asleep so I put him and bed and called my mom. I told her the situation as I started crying on the phone. I told her that I wanted to go out and look for him, because maybe his car was on the side of the road and then at least I would know that he is ok or something, but she reassured me, and as I thought about it, I knew that I shouldn't worry, but it was so hard. 30 minutes later Mark walked in the door, and I went up to him and just hugged him, and started crying, I think we didn't move for 10 minutes. I just was thankful that God had brought him home and he was unharmed. I wasn't mad, I was relieved, but learned that God has everything under control and we are not to worry about it. Romans 8:28 says "Everything works for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose." A few weeks ago I got another take on God and what it means to have Him in my life. We do a couples devotion at night and on a Monday night we had read about trust and how we need to live out our lives knowing that we can trust in God for everything not just have Faith in Him. They gave us an illustration: If a tightrope walker set up a rope extending across Niagara Falls and said he was going to cross with a wheel barrel we would have Faith that he could do it, but what if he said, "Then jump in the wheel barrel," we would have to trust him and know that he would be able to carry us across that rope. I was amazed at that illustration and how powerful that statement was compared to trusting God wholeheartedly. The next night we went to Common Ground, a 20's and 30's group in Rapids, and they talked about this guy who had set a world record for setting up a tightrope across the Niagara falls, and he had crossed it several times, with something different each time. As they started talking I was very familiar with the story, not the person exactly but the illustration, and he went on to say the exact same thing with God and trust and jumping in the wheel barrel with God as the tightrope walker. I then thought to myself, what is this trying to teach me? What am I suppose to learn, and as I have prayed for God's provision for the last few months, I realized now that is what it is. I have known that God does provide He has shown us in the past, but week after week, I look at our bank account and I see that our finances are not where we would like them to be. Thinking ahead we have Thanksgiving, Birthday parties, Christmas parties, Christmas, a Wedding we are in, and New Years all in 5 weeks. It just doesn't seem possible for us to have the funds to go through all those things, but we need to continue to trust that God will take care of things. I know we need to be smart with our money, but I am always thinking in the back of my mind, what are we going to do? How are we going to pay our bills and......but I have put my complete trust in God knowing that He will provide and I don't have to worry about a thing. Just to know that and go on with the Holidays fast approaching, I have seen that it's a lot less stressful then normal. So just a little view of how our past few weeks have been. Happy Holidays and may you trust in the God of the universe to provide for your ever need. Pray that He will help you not to worry about whatever stress life has brought upon you. May He bless you beyond your wildest dreams.