Thursday, September 16, 2010

Just the begining...

I feel that I have something to say each day, but never want to just share a quick note. I would rather write a book, but maybe that is what people want. I mean would you rather sit and read a book, or a quick note? Leave a comment if you wish.. I feel like I have started a new chapter in my life. It doesn't really seem like a big difference, but since all the changes I have been trying to make with myself and in my marriage and parenting it seems like there has been a lot of stress relief. With my marriage...I found myself reading our devotional to my husband in bed last night and it was about God's Powerful Promise of Peace. I was two paragraphs from finishing, when all of a sudden a HUGE moth flew up by our light and then on to the wall. I was freaking out, and I told Mark to kill it. Because it was over our "loft" area, he couldn't reach and then was in a mood that I didn't really appreciate or deserve. Maybe it was something I said, or did, all I wanted was for that thing to be dead so I didn't have to worry about it landing on me in my sleep. He reached for something and hit, but neither one of us knew the end result, did it just fall and fly around downstairs, was it wounded, was it dead?? We then exchanged a few choice words and I had come so close to putting the book down, and telling him to finish while I sleep downstairs. Now it might sound harsh, but like I said, I was close. I seriously had made a move to leave, when I stopped and thought about it. This being something I never would have done a few months ago. As I was finishing our devotional the last few paragraphs spoke volumes. In the middle of a sentance I put the book in front of my face and started to laugh, and then just sobbed, for a few mintues. I just couldn't stop crying. The words were exactly what I needed and as God calmed my heart I finished and we both said we were sorry, and went to bed happy. It has always surprised me how Mark and I can get along so well, but especially when we have a disagreement, or are mad for whatever reason. We always seem to find a way to compromise and work things out. It has gotten so much better then our first year of marriage and I'm thankful that it has come to talking through it and working on what we need to do next time it comes up, instead of ignoring it and moving on. I am thankful that I have an understanding husband that loves me for who I am. Kyron is 2 1/2 now and has been picking up on a lot more language now. Everything I say is "why not?" Never "why" just "why not." He seems to know what it means but when that isn't the right answer, sounds funny. I try not to laugh, but most of the time just say, because I said so. I am learning that it's not the best way to approach a 2 year old with, and that is why we are going to start working on explaining to him why we do the things we do, and why it's not ok for him to do things. I have learned that if you always tell your children no, without giving them a reason, they will want to do that very thing without even thinking, because you told them not to. If you give them a reason behind it, like don't touch that pot because it is hot and it will burn your hand, and that will hurt, they are more likely to not touch it. And if that doesn't work, they will end up touching it and get burned and learn that way, but you can't say you didn't warn them...So at this stage I have to focus on being more of an example to Kyron knowing that he is watching everything we do and say, knowing that if we do it, he can to. It's not too bad, but it keeps me busy. MOPS has also started up for this year today, and I am excited to see what this year will bring, for myself being a mother and wife, and how it ties in to my parenting and marriage. It's such a great way to connect with people who know what you are going through and can help encourage you and keep you accountable. If you haven't made it to as least one meeting, you need to go, check it out. This upcoming year I am responsible for our facebook pages for MOPS and for our 20's-30's group Common Ground at our church. Along with the MOPS blog and the Common Ground Website. I have been keeping busy with that as we start up a new schedule and with new times, and new events and things. I love doing it, keeping people informed in any way I can. I am also in charge of coordinating our nursery on Sunday mornings, and our new rotations have come out, some people have gone, others have stayed and we have new help on the way! It's exciting to see more people get involved in our church like we did when we first started out. So I guess that's it for now. I just wanted to share a few things that have been happening and the start of everything that is to come. I love your input and if you ever have any questions or encouragement for me, feel free to leave any comments. Thanks