Tuesday, August 3, 2010

45 minutes of sleep, 8 hours of driving, 9 hours of standing, 4 roller coaters rides and 2 water rides...

Well Mark has never been to Six Flags, so we took a few of our friends and his brother for his Birthday, down for a day at the Park. It started out ok, getting up at 4:30am with only 45 minutes of sleep wasn't all that bad, it was half way through the day that it took it's toll! The day was beautiful, not too hot, not too cold, a little breezy here and there. We got there when the Park opened and started with the Raging Bull. I had a bag and didn't know they now have lockers there to put your stuff in, and by the time I realized it everyone else was in line. So I walked around for a half hour and then sat for a little bit. In the back of my mind I was glad I didn't go on it. I had been on it once before 11 years ago and wasn't a big fan. Next was the Demon. That wasn't so bad, loops and turns and just when I opened my eyes we were in a tunnel with all these lights...On to the Batman..nope, the Superman...nope, let's just get in line for The Dark Knight. After about a two hour wait...let's just say it wasn't worth it. It was a fun right, the only other one I kept my eyes open the whole time for. I guess it was better than the ones I wouldn't go on, so it wasn't too bad. Then we took a break. More food to energize our tired bodies. As our cookies melted and our chips got hot, the day turned into quite a scorcher. We then decided four of us would hit up the water rides and two would do more coasters. After standing in line for about 10 minutes we discoverd the ride we were waiting for wasn't worth waiting in the heat for, so we searched for another ride...soon found ourselves in a line that was in the shade, and not too long. The water was very refreshing and well worth it! Another water ride with a longer wait, not as worth the other one but still refreshing. After we met back up with the other two, they had only had time to go on one ride, which none of the four of us really cared for, so all in all, it was a good plan. Back to the van for more refreshments and a change of clothes. The rest of the day went by pretty slow, the lines got longer the wait more boring and MY FEET!! First the Superman, I felt like the line would never end, I couldn't even see the begining, but all the while watched the ride over and over and didn't really know what to think. As we boarded the car, all I could think was I HAVE TO PEE...not a good thing to think when you are in a ride that turns you from facing forward to facing the ground, where the harness pushes on your bladder! Don't worry, there were not accidents, but there was no screaming or eye opening on this ride for me either! It wasn't all that scary but I truely believed that if I would have opened my eyes at any time I would have lost my lunch! Then my day ended with the Batman! Saved the best for last. This was the ride I had always liked and made sure to always go on every time I took a trip to Six Flags. It was a blast! Never shut my eyes, and screamed in enjoyment. A little shaky getting off, but I was smiling! The next two rides I sat out for. My feet couldn't handle it anymore, and I felt as if they would fall off or break and just drag behind my body...The rest of the gang went on the Viper and then one more trip to the Raging Bull. Our night ended with a trip to the photo booth and a Glow in the Dark parade! I barely made it home without falling asleep, my eyes just didn't want to stay open, but we made it safe and sound thanks to a quick prayer, some loud music, a couple cans of Mt. Dew and some Bugles. We arrived home at 2:30 in the morning so I still have not caught up on that sleep I have been missing that last few days! Mark had a great first time there, but don't know if he'll ever go back.