Wednesday, July 7, 2010

JULY 4th

Well the fourth of July happened to land on a Sunday this year, which was nice in a way. Mark got a four day weekend out of it, two of them being paid. Friday we didn't do much, cleaned up the house a bit and Mark had his second job to attend to that night. Saturday was HOT and so we filled the hot tub up so we could use it as a pool. The neighbors had their annual Fourth of July party so we were entertained my music and talking the whole day. We had some friends over and then a fire to end the night. Sunday we went to the annual Fourth of July celebration at CLF, and then spent the rest of the day mostly indoors at my Grandma and Grandpa Freeberg's. It rained on and off and we didn't know if they would cancel the fireworks or not, so as usual we headed down there and found out there was hardly anyone out, most people stayed in their cars and some people were playing in the rain including Kyron. We resulted in going out to my Grandma Pat's house for the night and shot off some fireworks of our own, until the neighbors had us in quick competition. When we heard them say they weren't even a fourth of the way through we decided to go over and watch theirs, when we asked to come and watch they were more than happy to share the fun of the $2000 worth of fireworks they had left, seeing how they were much bigger and more fun. After the cops came from an 8 year old boy getting scared we headed home and retired for the night. Monday we spent the day at Mark's Aunt's house with his family instead of Sera Park, it was fun, played games as usual and then went home. All in all, it was the most family packed weekend we've had but a lot of fun and entertaining to say the least. My cousin's from Indiana came up along with my Aunt and Uncle from Green bay, and my long loss Uncle on my Mom's side has returned with his Daughter, the two which I have never met. So it was a good way to celebrate being free and loving the country that we live in. I did happen to capture our patrioticness in several different pictures, but finally got one right. We never got a picture last year, so I'm glad we were able to sit down for a few minutes before we were off to the next party. The rest of the month won't consist of much, we do plan to go camping with Mark's family in a week or so, and our four year anniversary is coming up, so we have a trip to Six Flags scheduled for the end of the month. I'm hoping something will pop up soon so I can come back and write more in my spare time. One last thing, my best friend Melanie has finally gotten engaged and I will be playing the role of her Matron of honor. I am so excited for them, but the wedding is fast approaching and by New's Year Eve I plan to loose ALL the weight I have gained in the last three years since I got pregnant. So in some ways or another, I will keep you updated on the fast weight loss of each month or so. Happy trails...