Friday, May 21, 2010


Well after a five day period with no car and the most consecutive hours without Mark, being sick and cooped up in the house wasn't so bad, and the weather didn't help at all! Our van is FIXED! Yay. It drives in overdrive now, and I LOVE IT! I seriously am in love with my new van. It has so many things that my other van didn't and I love them ALL! It's bigger, it's better, and I can't wait to take it on trips to get the full affect of every feature. It needs to be cleaned inside and out, but it works and I'm happy with it. As for my sickness...not so much. I woke up a few days ago and had a sore throat and runny nose again, this "Spring" weather is really taking a toll on me. My body doesn't know when to feel good after having such beautiful weather and then weeks of just yucky rain, my body just felt like BLAH, these last few days. This morning, I was the worst of the last few days, and planned to get some cleaning done since I haven't been feeling up to it for a while, well that didn't work, so now my house is a week messy and my health is feeling it. I'm hoping to get more stuff done tomorrow, it's suppose to be goregous out, and Mark is playing in a flag football tournament, so we'll see. On the bright side to everything, I came home yesterday to 12 men digging up my front entry to the many might be frustrated at that remark, I was truely overjoyed to finally see some progress in that area. It's been 2 and a half years of coming and going out and in to our driveway and frankly it's the worst possible feeling and noise when the bottom of the car scrapes along the road, and shakes your car and everything in it. So we are happy to report to all our visitors that it will finally be a feeling of paradise as you stroll along the new paved approach to our house! Some pictures to follow, because I really didn't have anything else to do...