Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Slowly but Surely...

Well our next project begun, quite slow if I might add, but it's getting there. I can see myself sitting on the patio sipping (yes, "sipping") lemonade and reading my book, while Kyron plays in the yard. Then later that night after Mark gets home we'll have people over and we'll sit around the fire making s'mores, and drink Mike's hard Lemonade, (I guess I like lemonade!!) and talk about the good times, while making memories! Well it may be a long way off, but I can dream! I am hoping and praying that the patio gets done by my birthday party on the 8th of May, so I have something to look forward to. We've got it about half way done now, we've dug out all the dirt and hauled it away, then we got the frame put in to keep the bricks secure, and the road base just got finalized today, poured, leveled and compacted. So we are definately making progress, it's just too bad we don't have a lot of time to work on it, so we are finding that we are giving up time on the weekends to finish, but once it's done we will be much happier knowing that we can now have people over and veg out in the backyard with no worries!