Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Oh the plans we make

I'm a planner and I like to know what's happening so I can be prepared. I used to have so many random things in my purse at any given time, just because, but now I just carry my wallet with me. I still make lists of things for different occasions just so I can have ideas for what to do when that time comes, but I can be very forgetful as well. I also like to have options so if one thing doesn't work we can try something different.
Now, even in my preparations for each new adventure, there comes a time when, things don't go as planned (we've all been there) or in the timing I thought. (Hello 3 week early baby) I, for one, can get really bent out of shape when there's a bump in the road, I'm kind of a perfectionist. I just like things a certain way and when that way, or what I thought in my head was a good plan, gets changed, due to whatever reason, it can cause stress, irritation, and frustration. I'm an emotional person but I have learned that I have to choose to control those emotions. Even though I still have to work through them, I can be positive, which teaches me how to trust that God has it already planned out. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Just a few examples in our life:
When we bought our second home in 2013 we thought we'd live there for years. We were living in the same town we were both born and raised in with all our family close by and never thought we'd live anywhere else. However, Mark wasn't getting anywhere in his job after 10 years. So we trusted God had bigger plans for us and moved a few states away down to Springfield, MO, where Mark got his first official, well deserved raise. Something we waited so long for, but God has grown us a lot from that move.
Then there was our decision to Homeschool. I've always wanted to be a mom but to educate my kids at home wasn't something I set out to do. I did a few things with Kyron early on since he was the only one at home for so long, but I knew he needed to be in school where they would challenge him and help him thrive. We chose private school because we believe in wanting the best influences for our kids. When we moved we saw ourselves in a different state financially and really felt called to homeschool. It gave us so much more freedom and flexibility.  Every day is not easy but we are doing life together and that's something I will always cherish.
Lastly, two years ago, we had the most amount of debt we've ever had due to car repairs, new vehicles and foolish spending along with another move, our fourth in four years. I ended up getting a job which was something I never planned nor wanted, especially while being a stay at home mom and Homeschooling. However, God provided and the flexibility with my schedule allows me to work in the evenings after Mark gets home from work. After saving the first couple months of my income we devised a plan to pay off all our debt in two years and then I could stop working. I loved the plan, I was excited for the plan, I started to put the plan in motion, but even though we had a plan, things kept happening. Car repairs, dental issues, medical needs. Things that weren't in the budget. So each month as we only paid minimum payments, we were just getting by. Finally, our first debt payment is paid off and it feels SOOO good! Especially because I know the momentum will only get stronger.
In conclusion, (I feel like I'm writing an essay, sorry!) We have been working on a plan since June, praying on God's timing, that will forever change our lives, effect our whole family, future and our finances!!! It's been a work in progress as we wait on the Lord but He is guiding our path and I can't wait to share our exciting news in a couple weeks when we get confirmation, and to see the journey he has for us!!