Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Kitchen makeover

I have never been the type of person who looks for opportunities to "remodel" anything in the home. I'm not into tearing down walls or redoing electric. I'm a paint, decorate and rearrange type of person!
Seriously, like I get bored and rearrange the furniture in the living room or kids room every other month. To me the process is a little easier to manage. I couldn't imagine if my house was in pieces literally and dust was everywhere while I was trying to live in only part of my house. I do however have great respect for people who are able to handle those circumstances!
As many of you know we moved into our house in late March. Coming from a house I only got to finish two rooms in, after only living there for a year and a half, I was super excited to implement new ideas and decor in each room for this house!
I feel like we haven't done much and there's so much on my list but that's ok. At first we wanted to get our school room done in time for fall. Most of the plan worked out and there are still a couple things that aren't finished but we work with it. See my homeschool post for pictures of that space.
My front room and my master bedroom are the other two rooms I wanted to focus on but my kitchen was never really on my list...until a month ago that is ;-) I got inspired and thought what's a little paint?! We had repainted our previous house's kitchen and this one didn't even have any wallpaper to take down! (Win)
So I started pinning and researched what style/color I wanted with the least amount of work and highest durability. Then I found THIS POST and thought, that's it! I ordered the paint a week or so later and waited for Mark to have a three day weekend where we could get most of it done quickly. This past weekend was THAT weekend and we cranked it out. Finally put the top coat on this morning so everything can get put back in place tonight!
As short of a process that was there is still a list of things I want to do to really "finish" the kitchen off. So I don't want to reveal anything just yet. Here is our before and progress pictures.

Just for fun, if you don't know which color we chose which one would you choose or think we may have chosen?!