Monday, October 17, 2016

She believes DFL 2016

It's taken me a couple days to recoupe from these past two weeks. For those of you who don't know what DFL is our church puts on a women's conference each year called Designed For Life. Over the years it has grown and for the first time they did TWO conferences back to back. One at JHQ arena and one at James River South campus.
Because we moved here a year ago I wasn't able to attend last year. And when I was asked about it we didn't have the finances to pay the full price. So I decided to volunteer. My first year at DFL and my first year volunteering. I did do both conferences so I was extremely exhausted by the end. But I was so thankful for the opportunity to serve and be apart of what God is doing not only here but around the world!
There were over 40 states and over 40 countries represented this year! That's amazing!! The experience was such a blessing on my life and I enjoyed it so much I'm definitely do it again.
The speakers were funny and powerful. The worship!? Amazing. If you haven't experienced a great women's conference I recommend DFL! 

Here are some notes I took away from the conference:

Don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough to do what God has called you to do-Lisa Harper

Psalms 103:5 New Living Translation
"He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle's!"
Eagles use a storm to rise above the clouds and rest his wings by letting the wind carry him (Let God carry you through your storm)
Starve your worry feed your faith!-Darlene Zschech

Faith requires you to step over the questions then the spirit of God will come over you-Debbie Lindell

You have a Father who will fight for You
It's not a playground it's a battle ground
Fair doesn't live here but Jesus does
Your history doesn't dictate your destiny in Christ
Know who your God is and the armor he has for you
Surround yourself with truth and with people that will speak truth
It's not about getting it right, he made you right!
Peace is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ!-Sheila Walsh

Making Jesus' last command our first priority
Luke 7:36 (The story of the Pharisee and the "sinful" woman. He didn't see her as Jesus saw her)
We do a lot of looking and not seeing
We look at everything and see nothing
When you see it you can't unsee it!
Start looking for Jesus in our situations
Luke 10:25 (Good Samaritan story)
They saw him as an interruption to their ministry instead of the object of their ministry
He does not want co-stars he wants co-laborers
Get to work!
We are espisles (letters sent)
The "letter" got lost on the way (She is describing us as the letter being sent to the lost, but we are lost if we aren't doing what God called us to do)
We've been called on assignment
Are we going to be the salt and light?
-Chris Cane

God really showed up and had some powerful words from these ladies! Next year is going to be even MORE amazing. I can't wait to see all that God is going to do! Register today at