Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Our love story

Today I'm going to share with you the story of how we met, our love story! I'm going to do something a little different and tell you it as if you were sitting here with both of us so you can hear both sides of the story! So the BOLD words will be Mark's point of view.
It was 2003, first day of my senior year and Mark's junior year of high school, 4th hour creative writing with Mrs. Johannas.
Worst class ever because of the teacher! Oh he's just mad because I got a better grade than him. His only C in his high school career.
By only half a percent! She had a B- and I had a C+
I mean it should have been the best class because he met me! I think I was just a distraction. We sat alphabetically which put us next to each other! He had glasses and braces. 
Classic white and nerdy.
And looked like a guy that would be great to talk to. Boy was I right.
So me being the good student that I was, I was one of the first in class waiting for it to start. This cute blonde girl walks in 
and I thought, oh please don't sit next to me I probably smell like sweat.
Which he didn't, not that I could tell.
Low and behold, she sat right next to me which probably made me sweat more.
We talked about everything and anything, we talked all the time and even got in trouble for talking too much in class sometimes.
When she says we talked, she means she talked and I listened and when she asked a question I gave my two cents. When the seating chart was changed we still found a way to sit by each other again.
At the time I was dating a guy he knew from his youth group at church. It was not the healthiest of relationships so I would mostly ask Mark his opinions on what he would do in situations.
Not the best idea, since I'd never been in a relationship.
For not ever being in a relationship he sure had a lot of good answers. Our friendship carried on through the semester but then our class ended. My boyfriend at the time also graduated early so he wouldn't be in School for the next semester.
That just provided opportunity for me to get closer to her.
We sat together at lunch and when seeing each other in the hallway we'd give each other a "sliding five" I don't know how else to really describe it.
Kind of a catch and release five.
Back in that day we communicated via yahoo instant messenger at home and when January rolled around we had been talking and Mark typed "I love you." It caught me off guard, I wasn't sure what to do or say. So I just replied "thank you." That semester we hung out more and he would come over to help me with my math.
Just so I could see her more.
I graduated, the summer rolled around and I don't think we saw much of each other. This is what he wrote in my yearbook. (I was always facinated by his great handwriting)
Just before I got on the bus, on her last day of school, she gave me my first real hug from a girl. From then on I was hooked.
I tried to come by in the mornings that summer before football training, to see her and give her a hug.
One more fight with my current boyfriend and it was finally over. August came and Mark started football practice. He was still stopping at my house each morning to give me a hug. I even remember one time he came in this black cowboy hat. I thought he looked cute.
I had just gotten back from a missions trip to Mexico where I bought it, so I was excited to wear it and show it off. (I still have it)
We officially started dating August 29th  right before he went back to school for his senior year.
It was made official when I asked her to be my girlfriend. She leaned in, surprised me with our first kiss (which I was very unprepared for) and then said yes.
I could tell he was surprised because he asked me if we could do it again.
We didn't go on an official first date till four months later on December 28th when he took me to the Olive Garden. 
That semester I was able to go to most of his football games even some away ones. The one I missed was homecoming because my sister got married that day.
Which we won in double overtime!
She did visit me as often as she could on my lunch break. I would sometimes go to her house on lunch as well. I was even late coming back from lunch once which resulted in a detention.
Which we laugh about.
Because the class I was late for was senior study hall, which we didn't do anything in anyway.
During the next year, Mark graduated, we grew closer, did things with each other's families and talked about our life together.
I knew I wanted to marry her which meant I needed a job. I didn't really want to go to college, so I had to find something that paid well without a college degree and ended up at Biolife. With my new income I was able to buy my first car and pay for a ring to put on her finger.
I told him what I liked in a ring and what I didn't like. I wanted white gold and at least three diamonds. I think he did a pretty great job at picking one out. 
I also told him what I wanted in a proposal (he needed a little help) but after failing at one attempt, because I'm an extremely hard person to surprise, I wanted a crowd, I wanted people to witness it and clap for the joy and love we shared, he did come up with the perfect plan!
With a little help from my future mother in law.
It was Thanksgiving 2005 and my family tradition is going around the table to say what we are thankful for. Well when it was Mark's turn he talked about how he was thankful for my family and feeling welcome and then got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! Obviously I said yes, but I WAS surprised, I mean I knew it was coming at some point but not then! It was perfect and my family was able to share that moment with us and cheer as I expected.
The next 7 and a half months went by like any young wife to be would dream of. Planning and choosing colors, venue, wedding party, theme.
July 15th 2006 on the back lawn of the South Wood County Museum our day was magical with a red carpet theme and all our loved ones around. 
Yes it was the hottest day of the year but it had a slight breeze and we were under a shaded tree. The day went by so fast and I wish I could relive that day over and over. It was perfect. And thus started our journey together in life, our love story.