Sunday, June 26, 2016

It's been One year...

It definitely doesn't feel like one year has gone by. I know that the first nine months in an apartment was kind of a blur, so since moving and settling into a home it only seems like we've been here a few months. 
If you would have asked me last year where I saw myself in a year, I really couldn't have ever imagined it would be like this!
This move has been the most challenging, and rewarding decision we have made in 10 years. It has brought on a whole new outlook on life. God has tested each area of my life, personally, spiritually, marriage, parenting, lifestyle, my whole world has new meaning and purpose. Through this journey I have learned so much and have more knowledge of my strengths and weaknesses.
I honestly can tell you that the thought of ever moving back to WI hasn't crossed our minds. Do we miss family and friends? Yes! Do we miss little holiday get togethers, traditions and birthdays? Of course. But we really don't see our purpose there anymore. We don't have that feeling of "I'm home" it's strange...I didn't know how I would feel going back for visits. There's an awkwardness about it. We enjoy the company of family but always can't wait to get back home. We truly believe we belong here.
The dynamic is so different here, there's so much more to do multiple things to choose from. We are finally in a life group and doing life together with a great set of couples. 
We finally feel like we belong to a church and not just apart of one. It's like a family and I think that's what has really helped us. 
Some days it doesn't feel like we are a few states away and other days I wish I could just sit and drink coffee with my sister while our kids play. It's nice that I was able to find a great MOPS group to be apart of this year too!

It's amazing to think of all the changes that we have gone through in just one short year, but know that each situation has made us stronger and lead us to the life we have here.
I'm extremely excited to see what the next year brings as we venture out into new waters, meet more new friends and become more involved in church.
We do appreciate your continued prayers, as our life is far from perfect and we will face struggles along the way. We also love to keep you up to date on what we've been up to. We love and thank you all for being here for us. Here are a few pictures of what we've been up to.