Wednesday, May 4, 2016

"Bad Moms" movie

After seeing multiple posts about how moms on my Facebook can't wait to see the movie "Bad Moms" I felt like God was wanting me to share my thoughts on it.
At first it was posted in the MOPS group I attend so I clicked on the movie trailer to see what kind o movie it was. After seeing the opening of the different actresses in it I made the assumption it wasn't going to be good. As it goes on to act out the life of one normal busy mom and all the "bad" things she does it didn't get any better. The last straw was a scene which truly disgusted me, a party scene where women were grossly making out with each other. Then later referenced "I made out with so many women tonight" clearly under the influence. I was completely appalled.
Now I realize this might offend people but this is my opinion and I feel strongly about it. Our jobs as Christians is to judge one another if we see something being done against Gods will and commandments. You can discern in your own heart what you feel is right.
So as a Christian I do not agree with any lifestyle that goes against the Bible. Yes, I think they are wrong and that's because that's what I believe.
These days movies have taken things to levels that are so far beyond disturbing it's only going to get worse, which is scary, and that's just movies, TV is just as bad. If I am interested in a movie I will check it out at before watching to see what kind of garbage is in it. That way I'm not surprised and have to turn the TV off or have to leave the room if something inappropriate is shown. There have been many of times where I was really interested in a movie but didn't end up seeing it because of the content in it. It's a bummer that one scene can ruin a whole movie because they think it is necessary. The Bible says: "I will not put anything wicked in front of my eyes. I hate what unfaithful people do. I want no part of it." GOD'S WORD® Translation
We as Christians are to set examples for the world. If we act like the world then we are no different so what's stopping them from calling themselves Christians when they see you living the same life they do?
This is not to say you can't watch movies or TV, I don't recommend many though. And that's not to say that I have never seen anything "wicked" but trust me there are things I wish I could unsee! If I wouldn't want my husband or my children to see it what makes it ok for me to? Again just my option but if it's not doing anything to make my life better it's pointless.
So back to the movie...without even seeing it, I know what it's about and it's very relatable to the average mom. Whom I dare say we are not, as Christians, we are not normal, we are not worldly. We also are not perfect and do have similar attributes:  Some work, some stay at home, some go to school, some are late, some are organized, some are good cooks, some put their kids in sports, some homeschool. Heres the difference: They do it for the status in society, or sense of accomplishment, or because its our duties, but we do it for the GLORY of God! We do it because it pleases Him. If I ever feel like a bad mom I know where to find strength, encouragement and wisdom, and it's not in a movie!
Ephesians 2:10
English Standard Version (ESV)
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

Have a blessed day