Friday, April 1, 2016


I'm not going to tell you that I'm pregnant, because I'm not. And even if I was you wouldn't believe me unless I told you tomorrow. That being said, I love pregnancy! It's such a beautiful thing, an amazing experience and a true miraculous form of another living being. I seeing people's baby bumps, I love watching people announce their pregnancies, they are more fun than gender reveals. I just watched more today and always think, why didn't anyone get that excited when I was pregnant?! Lol. There's a selfish thought! Then more thoughts crossed my mind...maybe this is their first! (those are always more exciting especially if there are no other children in the family) Maybe they lost a child, or two, or five. (An experience I have not had myself but know so many close to me who have and wouldn't wish it on anyone, wish makes the announcement so much more great!) Then comes the thought, what if they were told they couldn't have kids, or it would be hard to get pregnant. (News that doesn't come easy and reality that you may never carry a child and the anger at all the fertile mertiles out there) That announcement can be the ultimate miracle for anyone in that situation, so there are definitely good reason for celebrating!!
Because I haven't experienced any of those situations that doesn't make my pregnancies less special or insignificant. I still cry when I see a pregnancy announcement video because I know so many of us take our pregnancies and children for granted. Whether we have one child or ten! God designed your life to include those kids specifically for YOU. Even if you think you aren't the mom for the job, there isn't anyone else out there that is. Some of us would love to go back to the newlywed life of no kids and it might be nice for a day or two, but those kids have filled your heart so much that it's almost impossible for you to live without them.
Yet so many women today suffer from that, losing a child or not being able to have children. We joke that they're life is so much better and they're got it all together but inside they are hurting. Think of how empty they feel. When it's a hair up, no make up, sweatpants kinda day (like today) I think about my life and how blessed I am, that I have three little blessings that call me mom. (two officially working on the third ;-))
If you don't hug and kiss your blessings every day and let them know you love them, you should. It's easy to take things for granted until we don't have them anymore. In a few short years they'll be gone, out of the house and starting they're own families.
If you know someone who is pregnant, give them a hug. If you know someone who has lost a child, give them a hug, if you know someone who can't have kids or is having a hard time, give them a hug, if you see a mom struggling in the grocery store, lend her a hand. (I don't recommend hugging strangers, they might be put off by it, unless you feel a vibe and they would be ok with it!)
Hug someone today, be a helping hand, show the LOVE of Jesus everywhere you go, to everyone you know.