Thursday, March 7, 2013

Busy body

Why hello there my old friend. I have been meaning to get on here to blog for so long, but I have been ever so busy! With planning and having both kids' birthday parties, and all this house stuff! AH...if you don't know already back in January we starting house hunting to see what was out there and if anything jumped out at us we would look into selling our house to upgrade because frankly we are just growing out of our small two bedroom house God blessed us with 5 years ago. Well one house did stick with us and got us moving toward the goal of selling before Spring. We didn't end up getting that house if you are wondering, but we did have a private buyer come to our house and end up putting in a full price offer, which got us pretty excited. Of course we accepted it and are still on that road to finding the right house for us. We put in an offer on the house of our dreams only to not even hear back from them, but no worries. We know God will bring us the perfect house for our family and fulfill our needs. We currently have two more offers on the table and will hear back from them by Monday. If nothing sticks by Tuesday we will be staying here until we can find a house and another buyer for ours. So we have been praying a lot and packing some what to get ready, but whenever God is ready to provide another house we are more than willing to follow that path. So that's pretty much all that has happened in the last month besides our van breaking down three times, but we finally fixed the problems and it's good to go. We had talked about selling it anyway come Spring to get a newer vehicle but with house hunting we aren't sure about that. Unless we can get one for the price we sell ours for. So we'll see, again, it's all in God's hands!! The kids has great birthday celebrations and now we are settling back into our normal routine after all the partying. Mark and I are also getting ready for a trip out to Colorado to visit my best friend, around the time she has her first child, so that is an exciting thing to look forward to, besides the houses! I can't wait to be blogging more, I really need to take time each day at least each week to sit down and just write out my thoughts. Get them all on the table and have it all out of my brain. It gets pretty crowded in there with all this stuff. So next week I will write back and let you all know what has happening with our house, thanks for reading!