Friday, January 11, 2013

God's Journey for Every Marriage

Ok, so I wanted to write a post yesterday, but after reading today's dare in the new book I'm reading I'm glad I didn't, because they go together. For all of those reading, I just want to give you the opportunity to do these two dares with me. So this will be lengthy post, but if you want to radically change your attitude on being a wife and then thinking about the vision God has for you, I encourage you to find time to sit down and read this post when you have time to reflect on it!!

I just want to mention that I have also lost another 5lbs. which is a total of 25lbs since giving birth. Just thought I would throw that out there before I forget and you get too deep into the post and I completely change the subject on you. So here it goes.

Dare 3: Biblical Wife

I am just going to paraphrase the dare until the assessment because I don't want to copy out of the book. Today is about assessing your current state as a wife and taking a personal assessment that addresses different aspects of being a biblical wife. They mention that all women's marriages are not the same, and something that might work for you won't work for another. "Prayerfully, but quickly, consider each assessment question and check those that are opportunities for your own development...

Personal Assessment

*Do I spend consistent time in prayer?
*Do I read the Bible frequently?
*Do I daily make decisions based on what I think pleases God?
*Is my heart filled with gratitude for what God has done for me?
*Do I live my life for God, or am I more concerned about what other people think?
*Am I more concerned with being holy, or being happy?

-Household Manager
*Are things "under control" at home(laundry, dishes, cleaning, ect.)?
*Is our home a relaxing and comfortable place for my family?
*Am I able to do hat God calls me to do in my home, without excessive stress related to its appearance?
*Am I comfortable when people come by unannounced?
*Am I well organized in my time management, and do I comfortably and effectively handle multiple responsibilities?

*Am I concise in my communication, or do I ramble and go off on tangents?
*Am I considered a good listener?
*Do I speak the "language of respect" to my husband unconditionally?
*Does my husband confide in me?
*Do I handle disagreements well and yet get my point across without upsetting others?
*Am I critical or sarcastic when speaking to my husband?
*Do I ever criticize my husband in public?
*Do I often get emotional or judgmental when my husband opens up to me?
*Do I regularly point out things others do well?
*Do others perceive me as a positive person or a complainer?

-Confident and Assured woman
*Am I considered a confident person?
*Do people perceive me as arrogant or aggressive, timid or fearful?
*Do I feel courageous enough to do what God wants me to do?
*Do I have a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline or do I have a spirit of fear and timidity?
*Do I worry about what the future will bring?
*Do I know God's purpose for my life and trust that he will help me succeed?
*Do I feel the need to manipulate others, or am I confident?
*Do I handle life's challenges and problems gracefully?
*Does my husband have confidence in me?"

The one question I'll take out of the book to follow up.

"What are the two aspects from above that you feel most led to improve upon this time?"

Dare 4: The Vision

"Did you know what God has a vision for your life? He has specific purposes in mind that you were especially created to breathe life into for his people and his glory. If you are married one of the purposes for you life is become holy within the context of your marriage. Shining his light to the world! Using the assessment you did for Dare 3, write a positive purpose statement in present tense, describing how and who you intend to be in your marriage in four months. Use "I am" language opposed t "I want to be" or "I will." Note that the tense is current, as if it were already a reality. Keep your statements as positive as possible, avoiding "I'm no longer," "I'm not," or "I don't" statements. Write about two hundred words being as descriptive as possible...What matters most is that your write a positive, present-tensed purpose statement of who you think God has planned for you to be and how you are to interact primarily in your marriage and family...When you have finished writing your purpose statement, rewrite it as a prayer and tape is somewhere you will see if a minimum if once a day. Begin the discipline of praying this statement as a daily prayer, from the heart..."

So I know that was a lot and it took me a while to write it, but I encourage you if you have the heart for God and know that you he has called you to all these things, sit down and go back over this when you have a quiet time, after the kids have gone to bed, or during nap time. Pray about where God wants you to be and begin this journey with me to better your marriage!!