Wednesday, February 29, 2012

God at work

Just had to share this experience: I have been having a sharp pain in my pelvic for the last month, due to the baby and having a little dis alignment, and it has gotten worst and then better, but still hurts every once in a while, especially at night, so it makes it very hard to sleep. So with the pressure of the baby and being 39 weeks pregnant, I have been so ready to have this baby any day, and was really willing to do anything to just get it done. Monday, I called to see if I could get in earlier than Friday with my Doctor and find out if anything had progressed, since I was 3cm for two weeks. There was no openings, but the nurse called back and gave me the option to come in Tuesday at noon and have the doctor check me and "help me along" by inducing me and I would basically have the baby Tuesday, or depending on how long it would take to work, Wednesday. There was a chance that if I didn't go in then, I wouldn't have my doctor deliver her and I really wanted her, because I have loved working with her throughout this whole process because it's been 4 years. The nurse asked me if I wanted to think about it and call her back, but I just thought, let's do it! I wanted to just get it over with and have my baby girl in my arms. Well I called my mom to update her on what would be going on, because she'll be taking Kyron and she wants to be up with me, and she had a lot of things to say: You should wait, She'll come when she's ready, You don't want to force it if she's not ready, I didn't get the doctor I had with Kyle and it was a great experience. And quoted the saying I tell people, "God doesn't give us anything we can't handle" WOW, my own advice; That was a big hit. But it was my decision. Well, as I started crying, I realized, my mom has been right on a lot of things, and God put her in my life for a reason, and she helps give me advice and encourage me. So while I sat on my couch thinking of everything she had said, and everything the nurse had said, I asked Mark what he thought, and we talked about it for a little bit. Pros, Cons, and what if. It was such a trying time for me, as I had to think of what to do, I just didn't know, I couldn't decide. Then it occurred to me that if I had my way with this pregnancy, we would have had a baby a year ago, we had tried for a year and a half, and God has his timing on this. I also prayed for a girl for so long, even though I was ok with either, and God blessed us with our baby girl, so to take it into my own hands at the end, just because I thought I was ready, seemed selfish. I couldn't think of a non selfish reason to go ahead and have her. So I called the nurse back and told her we were just going to wait it out. Let her come in God's timing, because he knows what is best! Later that night I had to do my last day of homework for the bible study I have been attending at my church, "Living beyond yourself" by Beth Moore. This week talked about kindness and goodness, and the title of day 5 was "No pain, No gain" She was talking about profiting from painful events and circumstances, and had us look up verses. I got to 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 which says "To keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment to me. "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weakness, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." That just spoke to my heart in that moment. I thought, how weak I felt earlier and how I wanted to just take things into my own hands without counting on God's strength to help me through it. Then the last question for the study asked if there was a time where you were the object of kindness and goodness through a loving rebuke, and had to thank my mom for that. I pray you find your strength in your time of weakness when you think you can't take it, go to God and he will make you strong. I still can't wait to see our precious baby's face, but we are waiting on God's timing, and she will come when He had planned, before she was even conceived. Praise God for his mercy.