Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Looking ahead

I am so excited for these up coming months, not only do I get to give birth to the princess we have been waiting for, but we get to experience having a baby in the house again. Our little family will be an average family of four, and things will change forever. I can't wait for all the little joys that come with a baby again. It's been so long, I feel like I have to relearn everything over again. I am going to miss my baby bump, but even more excited to see my baby girl. Well, besides our upcoming addition, Kyron will be turning FOUR. He's getting so big and learning so much, I can't wait to see where this year takes him. He's also going to share in the new experience of being a big brother and I am excited to see him become the big helper I know he is. I am also looking forward to what God has planned for our family this next year, as I look ahead I can see us growing and hopefully becoming closer together in Christ as we try out new ways to communicate as a family, and teach Kyron more about God. We have started up our Ladies bible study again today, actually, and I can't wait to see where God speaks to me the most...I feel it may be on the subject of patience. We are doing Fruits of the Spirit "Living Beyond Yourself" with Beth Moore, and I am afraid I need help in all areas. I hope you find yourself excited for something in this new year and look forward to the little things. Enjoy every moment and ask God to show you something you need to work on in this coming year. Everyone could be better at something!