Monday, November 21, 2011

Christmas Card

Well, it's that time of year again. Even though I am doing this a little different, it's still exciting for me to look back at what God has done in our lives over the past year. After all the excitement of the wedding we were in last New year's eve, our lives settled down till Kyron's 3rd birthday in February. I didn't have an idea what to do for his party, so when I asked him what colors he wanted he said, blue, yellow, and red. Which we figured out were the colors of Superman, and later he confirmed he would like a Superman cake. Although I didn't put much effort into this year's cake compared to last year, it was still a big hit for him.Mark and I also celebrated our birthdays as usual this year being 25 for us both. No special parties, or activities though, just family and a few friends. We also celebrated 5 years of marriage this year which have gone by so fast, and grateful for the many years we are looking forward to. We wanted to do something special this year to celebrate, so we decided a trip to Florida would do us some good! It was a great way to relax and enjoy each other. I don't want to take up too much room with a bunch of pictures, so I made a collage of photos from our trip!We had an exciting summer with many camping trips with grandpa and grandma (Mark's parents) and many activities to keep us busy. Kyron went fishing for the first time, we went mini golfing, which he has become quite the pro at, and got out the squirt guns for those many hot summer days in 100+ degree weather! By the end of the summer we had managed to sneak in our annual family trip to Door county and a weekend at Camp Fairwood for family camp. My camera broke so I don't have any pictures of family camp.To wrap up the summer we had an exciting announcement to share with our family. My brother Kyle was leaving for his time at Mighty Oaks for Men and my parents threw a going away party. I took this as a perfect time to share our news with everyone in a special way.As you can imagine most people were surprised, and it surprisingly took longer for people to figure out then I expected, but a merry event it was. As the weeks progressed we had anxiously awaited the gender of our second child and found out mid October.We look forward to the arrival of our daughter the first week of March. In other baby news we welcomed our fourth nephew into the world on October 26th, Cooper James was born to my sister and her husband to make that their third child.Picture taken by my sister herself! This year Mark celebrated 6 years at Biolife and I started up my business again only to stop after finding out I was pregnant. God has provided in more ways then one for us, and we are so thankful to be trusting in Him for everything. I have had more than enough opportunities to make a little extra money in the last few months, so we are thankful for that. Kyron has made so much progress in this last year, and really in the last few months. We have been working more on letters and numbers, spelling, and writing. He can now write his name without having to look at it spelled out, and he has started recognizing the sounds of letters enough to make words, and can spell mom and dad, and other words which aren't spelled correctly, but close to how they sound to him. So it's amazing to see how far he has come and what he has been learning being 3 1/2 almost four, and being at home. Lastly we would like to make a special announcement. As many of you might know my cousin Justin was killed in action while serving overseas for our country and freedom. On March 26th his life was cut short and only God knows why He needed him in heaven sooner then we all expected. In honor of his life and the ultimate sacrifice he made for us we have decided to name our little girl after him with giving her the middle name Justine.We wish everyone a Happy Holiday season with family and friends, celebrate life and freedom for which we often take for granted everyday. God bless, The Doerrlers Mark, Katie and Kyron and baby girl