Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer days just sittin' around....

It is officially SUMMER, and by the looks of all this rain, it's not looking like a very good one. I know the rain is good and all, but really? I brought back some beach with us from Florida, didn't know I would have to bring back the sunny warm weather too. Oh well. These past few weeks of June haven't really been all that busy, we have been just chillin' waiting for some warm weather and when we got it, we were outside enjoying it. For the next few months, however, will be a different story. We have a lot going on this summer, and hopefully we will have some nice weather to help enjoy it more. Lots planned, plenty of weekends booked, camping, graduation parties, family reunions, annual trip with friends, annual trip with family, more camping, and did I mention camping? Mark parents invested in a very large, very nice, newer trailer/camper at the end of the year last year, and have tried it out once already this summer. We look forward to three more camping trips with them this summer. Hopefully some day we can afford our own. I love campers, they are the cutest little home on wheels. We also just got done with our annual rummage sale, and Mark and I made out pretty well, the best one yet. I was able to buy the camera I wanted for Mother's day, it went on sale again, so I was happy about that. It has been amazing to get such great pictures, so I'll have to share some of our camping when we go next week. Also, Mark is apart of a city league softball team, common ground, has put together on Thursday nights. The same one he played on last year, a lot of new guys. We are not on a church team this year, but go to watch Mark's dad and brother play Tuesday nights. I recently started cleaning again, in March. I also get up the nerve to advertise in yellowbook. So come August when it comes out, we will see how much more business I get. Right now I have two full time houses I clean for. It has given us a little extra money here and there to do things we wouldn't otherwise be able to do. Like providing my trip to Arlington, and our whole Florida trip. So I am excited that God has placed these opportunities in our life. Mark is still at his job for t he 6th year and is back trained in all three areas, which means he is working harder. I hope you can stop and enjoy the summer with family and friends. Enjoy the time as you get it.