Sunday, February 6, 2011

Green and Yellow, Green and Yellow

Can't say I ever liked the color green but today is the day I will wear it proudly as I support the only thing in the Sate that gets me excited to support. Let me give you a little background. I grew up in a house where we watched the Green bay packers play every Sunday, and if it was a night game, we had it on in the car on the way to church. Just last year I remembered the game wasn't finished yet and we were in the middle of a class, as I kept checking my phone for the scoring update. My dad has always been my hero, I love him to death and seeing him happy for the Packers makes me happy. We made it to the Hall of Fame once, me and my brothers, while be see who could kick the longest, or throw the farthest, and jump the highest up on the wall. It was so much fun, to be a part of something that gets us to riled up together as a family. In High School my sister decided to branch out and root for the Cowboys. Personally, she was shunned by us all, and we never really knew where she had gotten this idea from. Was it because she wanted to be rebellious, or because she had a crush on the quarterback, or because she's always wanted to go to Dallas (My reasoning for liking the Miami Dolphins, but always second to the Packers.) The few times we played the Cowboys in those days, I saw the look on my Dad's face when watching my sister cheer for another team. It was the look of disgust. Maybe it was just a joking matter, but trust me, I never wanted to get that look from my Dad, and I am proud to say I am a Packer fan, and will always be one. I have always felt, how can you live in Wisconsin and not like the Packers? It's a hard road to go down, because so many people come for various reasons, but they should know better. Every time they talk about their team Packer fans have so many better things to say about ours, and so on and so forth. I understand how they feel, because being from Wisconsin I don't like cheese. But hey, this is the PACKERS, not just some food we produce. This is the team that has given us reason to shout, and come together in celebration. Even Bears fans are rooting for the Packers in today's games, because they know how well they have played. I was never a big fan of Aaron Rogers after Brett left, but after watching this year, I believe he is the leader behind the team that has made it to the Superbowl to make him proud. To know what Aaron stands for, and the belief behind each game, it amazes me. I can't say how much I would love to go to a game someday, but watching it in my warm house on the couch seems to be doing OK for now. So if you aren't rooting for the Packer today, shame on you there are better things to waste your time on then the Steelers, and if you are.....well GO PACK GO!