Thursday, July 29, 2010

Rafters Game

Wisconsin Rapids has recently formed a Minor League baseball team, the Rafters. They play across the street from my Mom's and I can't tell you the last time we went to a baseball game there. This is a new found joy for my son Kyron. He loves watching us play softball and so when I mention to him about going to a game, he is overjoyed. This past Monday we went with some people from Common Ground, and the first 500 kids got a baseball. Let me just say that he held that thing as if it was guled to his hand. I can honestly say that I love going to baseball games, they are fun to watch, and especially when we play softball, I get it. It took me a while for football, and probably will forever be a mystery to me, but as I get to enjoy more and more sports, it's just a lot of fun going and hanging out with friends. I have gone to two Brewer's games, but they were just so big and didn't give you the same experience as this small town excitment. From eating the hotdogs and cheese curds, to cheering on the team, to yelling at the umpire, to doing the wave, the cha cha slide, the YMCA and singing the 7th inning strech song, I can look back and say I am glad I am giving my son these experiences when he is so young. After the game was over we went down on the field and had number 6 sign his ball...(Mommy's favorite number) You can hardly read it now, but it was a fun experience. He then noticed a big ball, just like his, on a poster as we were walking out, so I had him stand by it and get a picture. Then of course we couldn't leave the stadium without giving Rosco the Rat (The Rafter's mascot) a high five! He always keeps a sharp eye on that rat, so he knows that it won't sneak up on him. From a distance he's ok, but up close he's very careful around him. The first night we went, Rosco was standing in the door way and Kyron wouldn't go in because he didn't want to go past him. It was quite funny, but he has warmed up to him a bit....We are planning one more trip with Common Ground but they play at home almost every night in August, so we might have to schedule a day to go with family. Here are a few pictures from our latest trip!