Friday, May 28, 2010

Oh the joys...

So unbeknown to me, it was take your child to work day, and as I would love to take my child wherever I go, to clean someone's house was not the place for a two year old. Because it was just my Grandma's it wasn't a big deal, but as the first 5 minutes came fast, she received a phone call, and I decided to start the cleaning because I didn't want to be there all day. So as I cleaned the first bathroom, Kyron walked and waiting, and watched me work, and got in the way and touched things he shouldn't have and dropped his cup on the ground and almost sprayed the tilex in his own face. As you can tell already this was no place for a two year old. But I had a job to do and no one to watch him, so I continued. As I was finishing up the first bathroom, I look straight at him and he looked at me with his sad eyes, and said with the cutest tone of voice you could think of, "I wan go home." I took him in my arms and hugged him close, and reassured him it wouldn't be this boring the whole time he was here, but that Mamma had a job to do and I was helping Great Grandma clean her house. It was the cutest thing he's ever done and I'll never forget his first complete full grown sentance. I adore him and if it wasn't for him, I would loose my sanity with nothing to do by myself at home, he makes me smile everyday and I haven't gone a day since he's been born without laughing. I'm glad God brought him into my life and I'm hoping to share these joys with more children to come.