Monday, May 10, 2010

Birthday/Mother's day.

So this year I turned 24 and it's not a huge milestone or anything, but I celebrated it like any other. I love having people over and having fun. I made a total of three cakes, one for MOPS my Birthday morning, one for that night when we went bowling, and one for my party where we had family and friends come over. It was great, the best Birthday yet! I'm grateful for the family and friends that were able to come and share the day(s) with me. It meant so much that they would take the time out of the busy schedules of their week and weekend to spend time with me. The day after my party was Mother's day, so YES my house is still a mess, but that's life. I spent the day going to my parent's church and then over to my Mom's to have lunch. I love spending time with my family, they always make me laugh. When Mark got done working he came over and we left for his parents. It's nice to have both of our parents close to us for Holidays and birthday celebrations. I know how important family is and I want Kyron to grow up knowing that. My mom has been such a huge part of my life and I'm so glad that I can turn to her for anything. It's been nice living 7 blocks from her, especially when Kyron locks me out of the house and she has a spare key! I've been under a lot of stress and frustrtaion this past year and my mom has really been there for me, guiding me through it and letting me know what I am doing wrong in the ways of the world, because what is right for me might not be right for everyone else. I'm glad I am different but it becomes hard when I try to help out a situation and it just gets worse because I know what I would do. I am learning though, and God has brought me a LONG way in all of this, and I'm so happy to look back now and thank Him for being there along with my Mom and my husband to help me realize that some things just aren't worth stressing out about, I can't control everything and I'm so glad that I don't. Giving up control was a big thing for me, but I'm slowly begining to realized that it is a good thing. Giving God control in many situations was a big stress reliever for me. So I am just thankful that I am growing and learning. Besides my Mom and Mark's Mom, I also celebrated my THIRD Mother's Day this year. Even though this is the first year I receieved a gift and it was just a card, I am thankful that I have a energetic, fun loving, caring, one of a kind, bursting with love two year old son. He has changed my world more than anything could and even though sometimes it's hard being a Mother, I wouldn't trade it for anything! He has kept me on my toes and taught me a lot in the last two years. Not one day has gone by where he hasn't made me laugh and now that he is in the stage where he can express his feelings, it melts my heart when I am standing in the kitchen cooking supper or on the couch watching TV when he comes up to me and gives me a hug and says "love you mamma!" I know how important it is to recieve affection from your spouse and your children and your parent, and I am happy to know that I am passing that on to him. I believe he has seen it in Mark and I and I show him that I love him, even when he's not in the mood to love me back. Just thought I would jot down my thoughts.