Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A nice day for a Walk

I know this is coming on a day where you might think, a walk? Are you crazy, it's raining, it's cold and it's wet. This weather does make me feel like crap, but then I remember a few days ago when I did take a walk. It was a gorgeous day out and like everyday, I had nothing to do, so I got the stroller out of the van, and headed out on my much needed stroll from the everyday life of being cooped up in the house with nothing to do (the exercise wasn't bad either.) As I walked, I could see the snow melting before my eyes, and the water piling up on the sidewalk where I walked. I was on a mission to walked faster then I usually do, since I haven't walked for a few WEEKS! It was a great work out for my legs, and I would love for them to tone up a bit, so I jogged a little while too. Kyron fell asleep half way through our walk, so it was me and the world. We walked passed all the fancy big houses on third street, and I imagined how I would feel living there, what I would like about it, what I wouldn't like about it, and if I would really be happy. I love to dream, and trust me I dream BIG! But I have been content with the things God has provided for me, even if that includes our tiny home. At least I have a place to call HOME. It works for us, and that is what is important. I cut across and started to walk up Witter, which led to the top of the hill by Witter Field. The schools where just getting out at this time and most of the kids were walking home, when I came across a young boy probably 12 or 13, and for me, I'm not one to strike up a conversation with someone, but I smile as it's the polite thing to do, when I hear a "Hiya," in response, I couldn't help but chuckle under my breath, but it was enlightening. Then I looked up and across the street to find an elderly man practicing his golf swing in his front yard. The age difference between the two was quite drastic, but they shared the same feeling of God's beautiful creation, and for a moment it didn't seem real. I almost wanted to pick my house up and put it in the middle of that street. Only to be able to see that everyday for my front window. That is the kind of quite neighborhood I would like to live in. One where you feel safe, one where everyone knows your name, one where people are friendly and one that people can do whatever they want to on their front lawn and not be judged for it. My neighborhood is very different. It's not quite, when a motorcyclist rides around our corner at the same time everynight making sure to wake the neighborhood, it doesn't feel safe, when your purse gets stolen out of your car in the own driveway at night, no one knows each other, except the guy on the corner who talks to ANYONE even if they aren't listening or talk back, and no one does anything in their front yards, everyone hids in the back. It's just interesting the dinamic of the two locations a few block from each other, and what it feels like knowing that is where you live. I am hoping to get out more this year and discover that maybe getting out of the selfish box we have been in our whole lives, with help me understand how to be more missional and reach people, instead of praying that they will come to me. God give me more opportunities to reach out to people especially OUT of my comfort zone! Sorry there are no pictures for this post, but next time I go for a walk, I'll be sure to bring my camera and capture some wonderful pictures of God's creation.