Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday!!

It's been a while, but I've been a little busy! Kyron turned two February 16th, and we had a Thomas themed Birthday party on the 21st. Then I spent a week at my Mom's while they went down to Arizona. So I'm finally getting the pictures up here. We had a such a great time, he got a lot of Thomas things, and he loved it. The cake did take me a total of 5 1/2 hours to make, including baking and frosting, but it was worth it. It turned out great and Kyron was really excited about it! Thanks for those family and friends who could share in the joy of Kyron turning two, and those who weren't able to make it, but where here in heart! We look forward to what this next year has in store for Kyron. We hope he learns a little about the ABC's and his 1,2,3's so we'll see how it goes. The potty training is going ok, we've been a little bit out of our eliment this past week, but it's more consitancy on our part and it's just been hard, so we are hopefully getting back to business here.