Thursday, January 7, 2010

Winter fun

Kyron is almost two and he has loved to play outside since he could walk last year March. We haven't really got out to play in the snow yet, because it's been so cold and we've been busy with the Holidays. So today, while I shoveled the snow he was outside watching me, then we went around out back and walked on the deck, because we put new grass in last Fall and I didn't want to walk on it. He loved everything about being outside, except when his mittens got "dirty" with snow. He's begining to be alittle more like me in the neat department, but I love it! He didn't want to go inside once he started walking by himself, I had to hold his hand at first. But I finally got him to come inside for lunch! He is also his father's child in that food will get him to do anything, which brings me to potty training. We have started up again after trying for a week or so in December. He just didn't get it and Christmas was coming, so we decided to wait. He is getting it more and more. We would give him a penny for his piggy bank every time he went, and he would do good one day and wake up another day not wanting anything to do with it. We now are giving him a "treat" everytime he goes on the potty, so it's a big motivator! I love the challenge because it keeps me on track and the consistancy I need to help him along.